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Clear Braces

Having braces no longer requires you to sport big, shiny metal brackets and wires. Today, you have the option to be treated with braces made from clear or natural tooth-colored materials that are barely noticeable to the naked eye. Our office doesn’t charge extra for clear braces. Find out if you’re a candidate at a consultation with us!

What is the difference between clear braces and clear aligners?

Clear braces work in the same way as traditional metal braces but they are made of clear materials! Clear braces are a less noticeable alternative to traditional metal braces that provide patients with the same effective level of treatment.

Clear aligners are different from clear braces. Clear aligners are pieces of removable hard plastic that are custom-manufactured to fit into your mouth like a mouthguard. Patients that require minor orthodontic treatment are ideal candidates for aligners.

What are the advantages and disadvantages to clear braces?

Just like with any other orthodontic treatment, it is important to consider your unique needs and lifestyle while making a decision. Clear braces are a great aesthetic alternative to traditional braces. Dr. Vargo can answer any questions you have about the variety of treatments available and will help you select the right treatment for your case.

Advantages to clear braces:

  • Appearance: Ceramic braces and clear braces are less visible than traditional metal braces. Clear and ceramic braces offer an aesthetic alternative for patients seeking more discrete options without compromising effectiveness.
  • Confidence: Many patients who choose to be treated ceramic or clear braces feel more confident about their smiles even while undergoing orthodontic treatment.

Disadvantages to clear braces:

  • Discoloration: The clear elastic ties used with clear and ceramic braces tend to become discolored when you drink tea, coffee, or wine, and eat certain foods or smoke. Be sure to ask Dr. Vargo for his advice about keeping your braces looking their best.
  • Treatment Time: Orthodontic treatment with clear or ceramic braces can take longer than with traditional metal braces. However, your smile is worth the time investment, Dr. Vargo can give you more information about how much additional time would be required with a more aesthetic alternative.

Are clear or ceramic braces the right choice for my smile and me?

The only way to decide is by getting a comprehensive exam and diagnosis. Dr. Vargo can advise you on the best choice of treatment for you and answer any questions and concerns you may have about the different options. Please contact our office to schedule an appointment today.